The lymphatic system is a major component of the immune system., responsible for the body’s ability to fight disease., infection, and stress. Our advanced lymphatic therapy system complements traditional lymphatic body work with a gentle electro-static field that penetrates the skin and facilitates the elimination of toxins and waste.
In this way, it improves the immune system’s ability to achieve wellness and vitality. LET has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of lymphedema as well as conditions which involve chronic and acute inflammation and pain.
Certified practitioner of Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy (L.E.T). In 2019 and 2018 – São Paulo, Brazil & New York, Educator, Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy (L.E.T.), – taught other therapists L.E.T for Arcturius Star Products.
In 2019 – Santo Domingo, D.R, Educator, Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy (L.E.T) – taught other therapists the application of LET for colonics and Colo LAVAGE.